New Energy Label Regulation Changes
Based on the energy efficiency achieved, each light source will be given a new classification and a new label between A and G. In addition to this, some products will not be permitted to be placed on the market in the EU. Please note that existing stock with the old label may still be sold until 1 March 2023.
New LED light bulbs are becoming more and more energy-efficient, and almost all new products are labelled in the top categories (A++, A+, A). Rather than adding more plusses to the A class, the new energy labels are being “rescaled”, to a simple A to G scale.
It is worth noting, that although the energy efficiency rating may have changed (for example A+ to F), the energy efficiency of the product has not changed, only the letter to which it is designated.
This new, simpler system will not only make it easier to know which light bulbs are the most energy-efficient, but it will also allow more room for innovation. That’s because the current most efficient light bulbs will now be rated as an F or a G in the new rankings, meaning manufacturers have more opportunity to build even more efficient light bulbs in the future.
Labelling: the alternative

From September 1, 2021, and in accordance with the new energy labelling regulations, all EU light sources must be listed in the EPREL database (European Product Database for Energy Labelling) or (for UK products) the manufacturers specification information where they will be assessed and relabelled on the basis of ecological and sustainable aspects.
The QR code on the label links to data stored in the EPREL database/UK manufacturers specifications. By scanning the QR code featured on the new energy labels you can access information such as the luminous flux, the colour temperature and the cap type.
What’s on the new energy labels?

SLR/ELR: the most important changes
- All light sources are evaluated in accordance with the regulations
- The packaging and graphics you see will have been adapted slightly
- All light sources are included in the EU wide EPREL database
- There’s a brand new energy efficiency label. The scale has changed from A++ to E to simply, A to G.
- Existing stock can be sold without reclassification until March 2023.